Membership Levels

Our tiered membership structure means that scaffold businesses at all levels of development have access to a supportive and inclusive trade body that can help them grow their business. For those at the start of their journey we can offer them access to a range of services and resources that enable them to achieve statutory compliance, and for those that are well-established or operating in specialist areas, we offer them a platform to demonstrate and showcase their capabilities when tendering got large and complex contracts.

Associate Membership

All companies within the scaffolding industry should have access to an organisation which will provide them with guidance and support, irrespective of their levels of competence or development.
£ 480
  • Entry Requirements:
  • Completed Membership Form
  • Signed Code of Conduct

Assessed Membership

Our Assessed level of membership has been developed specifically to recognise those companies who hold in date certification from a Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) recognised member.
£ 680
  • Entry Requirements:
  • Completed Membership Form
  • Signed Code of Conduct
  • 2 Client References
  • Current SSIP Scheme Certificate
  • Current and Relevant Insurance
  • Certificate of Incorporation (where applicable)

Audited Membership

Our third level of membership has been developed in line with PPN 03/23 specifically for scaffolding contractors. It offers an independent third party audit, against a scaffolding specific standards.
£ 1280
  • Entry Requirements
  • Completed Membership Form
  • Signed Code of Conduct
  • 2 Client References
  • Stage 1 Desktop Audit
  • Stage 2 Onsite Audit
  • Audit Fee £1450+VAT