What is a trade association?
Trade Associations represent their members’ interests. They carry out activities that would be difficult or impossible for any single company, no matter how large, to undertake alone. In addition, they provide a means by which companies that are normally in competition can work together for the general good of the industry they represent.
Is the Association localised or national?
We are a national association with our members reaching all four corners of the UK, and we are in the process of establishing Regional Working Groups that members will be able to contribute to.
Is the Association exclusively for the construction industry?
We are open to anybody within the ‘scaffolding’ industry, from events to petrochemicals, finance to construction, suppliers to insurers, we are a completely inclusive organisation.
What training do you offer?
We are currently developing a range of training days, workshops, webinars and e-learning courses that will be soon be ready so please keep an eye on our website for information regarding their release.
Will you be offering membership for individuals?
This is something that we are currently investigating so please keep an eye on our website for information regarding the release of individual membership.