Health & Wellbeing

Mates in Mind – Be a Mate Text Service

As part of Mates in Mind’s holistic approach to tackling mental ill-health and stigma within the construction, transport and related industries, they have launched a new text support service to reach individuals who may be struggling.  

The service is run in partnership with Shout and offers a free and confidential mental health support service to anyone in distress. 

To use the service, simply text “BeAMate” to 85258 and trained volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, stress, loneliness or depression and are available 24/7. 

While Mates in Mind will always emphasise a preventative approach for organisations, they hope this measure will allow people to seek much-needed support if they are at the point of crisis. 

If you can’t talk, text

For more information and support, please visit: Mates in Mind

Lighthouse – The Construction Industry Charity

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial well-being support to construction workers and their families. They receive no public funding and rely on the generosity of those within the industry to help them to continue their vital work.

Lighthouse have been delivering charitable support to the Construction Community since 1956 and was formed to offer aid and assistance to ill or injured construction workers.

Lighthouse provide:

> 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline (UK 0345 605 1956/ ROI 1800 939 122) – a free Employee Assistance Programme for the industry. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, the helpline provides the first point of contact for those who need to access a range of completely confidential support services.

> Construction Industry Helpine App – the ultimate self help tool. It is aimed at those who may not feel comfortable speaking with someone or would like more information about how they can help themselves.

> Construction Focused Wellbeing and Mental Health Training – a variety of free construction-focused training programmes ranging from hour long interactive well-being sessions through to the MHFA England-approved Mental Health First Aid course.

For more information and support, please visit: Lighthouse

HSE – Working Minds Campaign

Stress, anxiety and depression are the number one reasons for work-related illness in the UK and this is on the rise.

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, the law requires all employers to prevent work-related stress to support good mental health in the workplace.

Statistics published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), covering the 2021/22 period, show of the 1.8 million workers suffering from a work-related illness, 914,000 were stress, depression or anxiety. Over half of working days are lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety (17 million).

A report by Deloitte estimates that the total annual cost of poor mental health to employers has increased by 25% since 2019, costing UK employers up to £56 billion a year.

The Working Minds campaign brings together a range of tools and support to help businesses and workers understand the best ways to prevent work-related stress and encourage good mental health, including:

> The HSE’s Working Minds podcast

> Find out how much you know about work-related stress

> Download the HSEs Health and Safety app to have Working Minds support and resources in your hand

For information and support, please visit: Working Minds